Fast Shark

from YouTube About Fast Shark
Fast Shark (2023)
Fast Shark II: Faster Shark Fast Shark III: Fastest Shark: Fast Shark IV: Fastester Shark:
Shot in 3 hours, edited in 5 days—the fastest shark movie ever made! This film was shot instead of watching the 95th Academy Awards air live, as part of the yearly tradition started by Joel Haver and continued by himself and his fans and friends worldwide of shooting a feature-length film instead of watching the Oscars.
Shooting took place in Manhattan, New York, and began when the Oscars started at 8:00 PM Eastern on March 12, 2023 and ended at around 11:00 PM Eastern when the Oscars were scheduled to end.
We encourage anyone who has, or has ever had, a filmmaking or acting desire in their hearts to participate in this tradition each and every year, either by making your own movie or by acting in one. Remember—you can always watch the Oscars later and fast forward through the boring stuff, as is your God / DVR given right.
Produced by Cody Clarke and Chloe Pelletier Directed and Edited by Cody Clarke Fully improvised by its cast and director Starring, in alphabetical order: Grace Barrington, John Bradshaw, Josefa Calero, Cody Clarke, Nick Dove, Sebastian Hagelstein, Rochelle Hunt, Milena Kirsten, Jason Labuda, Ryan Lambert, Noa Lindberg, Anna Alexandra Lerer, Brent Michal, Belle Pace, Chloe Pelletier, Taylor Rey, Shane Russo, Olive Scaff, Kailer Scopacasa, Dee Serpz, Livvy Shaffery, Abigail Stidham