Fast Shark II: Faster Shark

from YouTube About Fast Shark II: Faster Shark
Fast Shark II: Faster Shark (2023)
Fast Shark: Fast Shark III: Fastest Shark: Fast Shark IV: Fastester Shark:
Directed by Chloe Pelletier Produced and Edited by Cody Clarke and Chloe Pelletier Fully improvised by its cast and director Associate Producer Joel Cargerman Starring, in alphabetical order: Grace Barrington, John Bradshaw, Josefa Calero, Cody Clarke, Nick Dove, Sebastian Hagelstein, Rochelle Hunt, Milena Kirsten, Jason Labuda, Ryan Lambert, Anna Alexandra Lerer, Noa Lindberg, Brent Michal, Belle Pace, Chloe Pelletier, Taylor Rey, Shane Russo, Olive Scaff, Kailer Scopacasa, Dee Serpz, Livvy Shaffery, Abigail Stidham