from YouTube About Pavement Tune

Pavement Tune (Free Feature Film)

In 2009, I made a feature film called Pavement Tune. Though it was a great learning experience… the movie was never released or finished. Over the past month, I took two rough cuts that were on DVD and re-edited and retooled the movie.

It was shot on standard definition and definitely has a lot of flaws. However, editing the movie again made me realize how good it is and how truly proud I am of it. It’s been great to get some closure on it.

The movie follows Mike (Michael Donlan) in a coming of middle age story about a guy who has never had to work a day in his life as he navigates through various romantic relationships. I think if you enjoyed Bored in the USA and Wits End, you will like this one as well. If you like it, give it a thumbs up and tell a friend please. The cast is awesome and features a lot of people who went on to do much cooler things. If you can get through the first half hour… you will love the movie.

Side note: The movie features a lot of music that was not licensed. I do not recommend doing this. If I had the original audio files (and was not working off of old rough cuts) I would have replaced these songs with different songs. It is still fun to watch and cool to see what I would have done if money was no object. To put it in perspective, this movie was was made in 2009/10 for about two thousand dollars and the music budget would have been around half a million dollars if I used and tried to profit off of this movie using this soundtrack.

Anyway, please don’t sue me Mick Jagger.

#FolkFilm #nobudget #indiefilm