Ramekins: Ramekin II

from YouTube About Ramekins: Ramekin II
Ramekins: Ramekin II (2021)
READ ME: I have made Ramekins: Ramekin II available for free on YouTube because Amazon Prime Video’s changes to how they promote independent films have made it impossible for it to reach the audience on there that loved the first film. As of Nov. 1, 2021, only studio films are allowed to be ‘Free to Prime Video Members’, which are the only videos that are promoted on there, or that show up on your browsing screens—in order for someone to find Ramekins: Ramekin II, or even realize that a sequel was released to the first film which they liked, they would have to deliberately type ‘ramekin’ into search on Prime Video. That’s the only way it comes up. It’s entirely unfair to independent creators. Hopefully, with the film free on here, it will reach enough people that the film gets out there into the world. It’s one of the best, if not THE best, movies I’ve ever made. If you enjoy it, please share it, and please review it on Amazon and IMDB. That drastically helps it out. Thank you, and enjoy.